Realign your week with me on Monday evenings from 6-6:45PM via Zoom! Throw on your cozies, pour yourself some tea, and join us for gentle movements and a guided meditation. This class is supportive to all levels of yoga students and is only $9 to attend. Please book 20min prior to the class start time to receive the Zoom link.
Refer to instagram for day-of updates.
When: Monday's at
Where: via Zoom
What: Gentle Movement + Guided Meditation
Price: Only $9!
3rd Friday of the Month
6-7:30PM at CPY Park Meadows
This class follows the traditional 90min Bikram series, which we recommend students be familiar with prior to attending class.
Talon will not cue through the postures, but will call out the posture name and when to begin / end. The 1st set is said in English and the 2nd set is said in Sanskrit to honor this beautifully vibrational language. Guided by breath and gentle non-lyrical music, you can expect a deeply meditative experience.
Be sure to hydrate well before class, bring a yoga mat towel or beach towel, and arrive 10-15min prior to class start to acclimate to the heat.