I'm a yoga lover and wellness entrepreneur living in Denver with my perfect pup, Zoey! I found yoga my freshman year of college and absolutely hated my first class. So much so, I had no intention of ever stepping foot in a yoga studio again. But about a year later, curiosity drew me back to my mat. What happened in that hot box and why did everyone else seem like regulars? The next time I showed up in that small Bikram studio, everything shifted. Maybe it's because I went in more prepared for what was about to unfold or just generally more open to the experience, but it’s 13 years later and I’ve never stopped going back for more.
In the early years of my practice, I was only showing up for the final savasana feeling after a 90 minute sweat session. That's where we all start, right?! I craved the direction and clarity found on my mat that countered the crazy of living in a sorority house or outrageous amounts of studying for finals. The more I showed up on my mat, the more things continued to shift and I was slowly seeing there's more to this practice than movement.
After college graduation, I signed up for my 200HR teacher training to learn as much as I possibly could. I'd rush from my new corporate job as an IT Project Manager straight to the studio on nights and weekends absolutely mesmerized by the experience. By the time I made the leap to teacher, I knew there was no looking back... Well except that I still had a corporate job and wasn’t quite sure if I could make a living teaching full-time.
And then... 2020 happened. I was confronted with the reality that I was living a life out of alignment and it was time to put my yoga into practice. I spent hours each day studying the ancient scriptures, meditating, and moving on my mat asking the path forward to reveal itself.
And it did...
I sold my condo, quit my IT job, and started teaching yoga full-time in 2021. Was it the scariest thing I've ever done? Absolutely! It’s still scary sometimes, but when I surrendered myself to yoga practice, got curious, and imagined more for myself a spiritual shift took place. A world of limitless possibilities revealed themselves to me.
I now know it is my undeniable dharma (divine purpose) to share yoga practices with students seeking their own spiritual shift. I am consistently obtaining more knowledge, pulling in different perspectives, and doing the same work I ask of my students. I provide a personalized practice approach to assure no one walks away from their first class feeling discouraged like I did. My podcast offers insight into philosophy and practicing beyond asana, or postures. I deliver guided meditations that help you ignite evolution from within.
I wholeheartedly believe the world is a better place with more people practicing the ancient arts of yoga and am dedicated to delivering educational resources and enlightened experiences that make those practices more accessible to everyday practitioners. Is that you? Are you a yoga lover who wants more knowledge without the expectation to teach? Are you seeking a spiritual shift and not sure where to start?
You’re in the right place 🙏✨
The Sacred Circle is a community of kindred spirits who share a love for yoga, spirituality, seasonal living, and mindful growth. This space is all about learning, sharing, and evolving together! For a limited time, subscribe to receive my FREE Elevate Your Practice guide.